A.E. Robert Friedman Scholarship

A.E. Robert Friedman PCA Scholarship

Educating Tomorrow's Leaders

The PCA A.E. Robert Friedman Scholarship, originally established in 1978, is open to any high school senior or college-age student seeking to further their education. Students seeking to further education at a college or university are welcome to apply for the Education Scholarship and students starting their education for a career in the painting industry are welcome to apply for the Vocational Scholarship. Applicants may be if available sponsored by an active PCA member in good standing.

Scholarship Submission Are Now Closed! 

PCA A.E. Robert Friedman

Education Scholarship


Students applying to any state-certified university or college are eligible for this scholarship.

You can apply either online or by downloading the PDF application and mailing it to the PCA National Headquarters.

PCA A.E. Robert Friedman

Vocational Scholarship


Students enrolled in a program in the painting or coatings industry are eligible for this scholarship. These programs might include state-certified community, vocational and technical institutions.

You can apply either online or by downloading the PDF application and mailing it to the PCA National Headquarters.