Award Winner: MTS Painting and Property Services Inc.

MTS Painting and Property Services had a risky project on their hands due to the nature of this home that had not been painted in 20 years. The home was built in 1987 and had very thick prior coatings. The original coating was in major chalkiness failure and the flat roof parapet caps were in complete coatings failure. Some areas of the stucco retention walls were heavily delaminating due to backside of wall moisture penetration. Standard estimating procedures were used per standard P10 and trade terms from standard P9 were incorporated in the contract righting. Restoration Surface Prep was determined per standard P14 and pressure washing standards from P22 were followed. The owner of the home was a new customer of MTS Painting and his main concern was proper preparation, no substrate damage, and longevity of the paint job. Their long term expertise in the industry was crucial in providing the customer with peace of mind that the job would be completed to perfection. The customer was very satisfied with the work done and the pictures of the completed job show its high quality 6 months after completion. Congratulations to MTS Painting and Property Services, your work has earned you the 2018 PCA PIPP Award for Residential Exterior.

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Residential Exterior 2018 Award