Award Winner: Paletto Pro Painting & Renovation

Company Location: White Plaines, NY

When Palette Pro Painting & Renovation was awarded the bid to paint every room of a 7,000 square foot 2001 Greenwich CT home, they came in as the highest bidder. The client, who had previously renovated seven other homes, chose them because of their exceptionally detailed proposal and presentation, confident they would deliver on their promise. The project was in rough shape and every surface need attention. The use of PCA Standards P14 was explained to the client for the purpose of levels of surface preparation and each room requiring a different touch. From an accent wall covering, to a high gloss ceiling, every room was its own project. Pallet Pro refinished the kitchen island using a spray application, painted the brick oven, hung wallcovering throughout the home, painted woodwork and ceiling with brilliant paint, as well as regular painting on ceilings and walls. A great amount of skill was required by Pallet Pro’s trained painters as they had to work with fine paints, spray application, and wallcoverings. The dining room required five painters at once to complete the high gloss finish on the dining room ceiling. The use of PCA standards throughout the process helped expedite and meet the goals of the contract. Congratulations to Palette Pro Painting and Renovation, your work has earned you the 2017 PCA PIPP Award for Residential Interior!

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Residential Interior 2017 Award