PCA Articles

Blueprint For a 5-Year Business Plan

Building Your 5-Year Business Plan

Creating a business plan is the key to having exactly the business you want to have. In this webinar, Bill Silverman covers the blueprint for creating a successful business plan.

Bill says a solid business plan should outline what your business does, the product or services you offer, your organization and management structure, a market analysis, a strategy and action plan, a sales and marketing strategy and a financial plan.

To make the most of your plan, Bill recommends spending time focusing on these areas:

  • Market Analysis: This step is where you can find the golden key to your success. You will do research to understand the needs of your customers and determine what market trends are affecting the industry. You’ll also analyze your competitors and determine your own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Action Plan: This step allows you to determine what specific actions you will be taking to meet your goals. You will create a step-by-step plan to reach success.
  • Financial Plan: In this step, you’ll build off the previous steps. You will use the information you gathered and your goals to map out what it will cost to execute the plan. This section does not have to be specific, instead, it should be a rough estimate of how much you will be spending.

Learn more high-level action items and hear examples of successful business plans in the webinar, “Building Your 5-Year Business Plan – A Critical Step for Accreditation and a Thriving Business.”

Download the worksheet below to start your business plan today!

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DOWNLOAD: Building Your 5-Year Business Plan


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