PCA National Sponsors
The Contractor Fight
PCA National Friend
Tom Reber

The Contractor Fight’s mission is to bring respect and dignity back to the trades.
By educating one contractor at a time, we’re quickly restoring our industry to a place of respect in our communities. No more will the trades be looked at as a “fall back” position when college doesn’t work out. No longer will tradespeople be looked upon as the uneducated and undeserving.
Doctors, lawyers, accountants, and civil servants are all looked up to and revered. Why not us?
The pain caused by a struggling business can be crippling. All our coaching programs are designed to help you skip the pain we’ve experienced ourselves.
Our Contractor Fight Coaching team is almost entirely made up of current or former contractors. They’ve been where you are. They know what it’s like to not live up to the dreams they had when they started their business. Most of them have taken a beating and come back smarter and stronger.
The advice you’ll receive as a Contractor Fight coaching client is based on real-world battle-tested principles. Check out our courses and coaching programs.
Claim your free copy of Winning the Contractor Fight written by our Founder, Tom Reber.
Learn more about building a strong painting business on our YouTube channel, our podcast.