With more than 30 years in communications, and nearly all of them with American Painting Contractor/APC, I love the opportunity to engage and connect with business owners. The beauty of media is our ability to connect people, and this industry is filled with professionals who are problem solvers and creative thinkers — APC shares their stories! So if you’re looking for a new idea, best practice, role model, kindred spirit, motivation, or inspiration, you’ll find it at APC.

And I love all media channels. I’ve been fortunate to do a TEDx Talk, host a sports radio show, write a parenting column, speak at conventions, and of course, indulge in every platform of APC — print magazine, web site, e-newsletter, podcast, video, social media and pretty pictures. As a fan of media and painting contractors, APC is the ideal spot for me, because we’re the only media outlet exclusively for pro painters!